
How-to Guide

How-to define a domain?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    // define your domain's related resources

How to define a state?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourState = domain.state({
      name: 'YourState',
      default: 0,

How to define a command?

Especially, it means no operations (no states update, and no events emit) to return null or empty array [] in command implementation.

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'YourCommand',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        // do something

How to read the state in command?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourState = domain.state({
      name: 'YourState',
      default: 0,

    const YourCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'YourCommand',
      impl: ({ get }, ...args) => {
        const state = get(YourState())

How to update the state?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourState = domain.state({
      name: 'YourState',
      default: 0,

    const YourCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'YourCommand',
      impl: ({ get }, ...args) => {
        return YourState().new(get(YourState()) + 1)

How to define a query?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourQuery = domain.query({
      name: 'YourQuery',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        // do something

How to define an event?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourEvent = domain.event({
      name: 'YourEvent',

How to emit an event in command?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourEvent = domain.event<number>({
      name: 'YourEvent',

    const YourCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'YourCommand',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        // just return an event in command
        return YourEvent(42)

How to update multiple states?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const AState = domain.state({
      name: 'AState',
      default: 0,

    const BState = domain.state({
      name: 'BState',
      default: 0,

    const CEvent = domain.event<number>({
      name: 'CEvent',

    const YourCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'YourCommand',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        // return a list
        return [AState().new(get(AState()) + 1), BState().new(get(BState()) + 1), CEvent(42)]

How not to do anything in command?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'YourCommand',
      impl: () => {
        return null
        // or return []

How to pass arg to domain query?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourQuery = domain.query({
      name: 'YourQuery',
      impl: ({ get }, arg: number) => {
        // do something

How to pass arg to domain command?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'YourCommand',
      impl: ({ get }, arg: number) => {
        // do something

How to define an effect?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

// import rxjs for domain effect management
import { interval } from 'rxjs'

import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourEffect = domain.effect({
      name: 'YourEffect',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        // send command to downstream
        return interval().pipe(map(() => YourCommand()))

How to define a defer state?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

type Todo = {
  id: number
  title: string
  completed: boolean

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourState = domain.state<Todo>({
      name: 'YourState',
      // set defer = true
      defer: true,

How to use domain in react component?

# via npm
npm install --save remesh-react

# via yarn
yarn add remesh-react

For react v18

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import { RemeshRoot, useRemeshDomain, useRemeshQuery, useRemeshEvent, useRemeshSend } from 'remesh-react'

const YourComponent = () => {
  const send = useRemeshSend()
  const domain = useRemeshDomain(YourDomain())
  const data = useRemeshQuery(domain.query.YourQuery(queryArg))

  const handleClick = () => {

  useRemeshEvent(domain.event.YourEvent, (event) => {
    // do something

  return <></>

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'))

    <YourComponent />

How to pass a remesh store to react component?

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'))

const store =

  <RemeshRoot store={store}>
    <YourComponent />

How to attach logger?

# via npm
npm install --save remesh-logger

# via yarn
yarn add remesh-logger
import { RemeshLogger } from 'remesh-logger'

const store ={
  inspectors: [RemeshLogger()],

  <RemeshRoot store={store}>
    <YourComponent />

How to connect redux-devtools?

# via npm
npm install --save remesh-redux-devtools

# via yarn
yarn add remesh-redux-devtools
import { RemeshReduxDevtools } from 'remesh-redux-devtools'

const store ={
  inspectors: [RemeshReduxDevtools()],

  <RemeshRoot store={store}>
    <YourComponent />

How to fetch async resources in domain?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
import { AsyncModule } from 'remesh/modules/async'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourAsyncTask = AsyncModule(domain, {
      name: 'YourAsyncTask',
      load: async ({ get }, arg: number) => {
        const response = fetch('/path/to/api?arg=' + arg)
        const json = await response.json()
        return json
      onSuccess: ({ get }, json, arg) => {
        return MySuccessCommand(json)
      onFailed: ({ get }, error, arg) => {
        return MyFailedCommand(error.message)
      onLoading: ({ get }, arg) => {
        return MyLoadingCommand()
      onCanceled: ({ get }, arg) => {
        return MyCanceledCommand()
      onChanged: ({ get }, asyncState, arg) => {
        return MyChangedCommand()

    return {
      command: {
        LoadCommand: YourAsyncTask.command.LoadCommand,
        CancelCommand: YourAsyncTask.command.CancelCommand,
        ReloadCommand: YourAsyncTask.command.ReloadCommand,
      event: {
        SuccessEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.SuccessEvent,
        FailedEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.FailedEvent,
        LoadingEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.LoadingEvent,
        CanceledEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.CanceledEvent,
        ChangedEvent: YourAsyncTask.event.ChangedEvent,

How to manage a list in domain?

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
import { ListModule } from 'remesh/modules/list'

type Todo = {
  id: number
  title: string
  completed: boolean

const TodoListDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'TodoListDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const TodoList = ListModule(domain, {
      name: 'TodoList',
      key: (todo) =>,

    return {
      command: {
        AddItemCommand: TodoList.command.AddItemCommand,
        DeleteItemCommand: TodoList.command.DeleteItemCommand,
        UpdateItemCommand: TodoList.command.UpdateItemCommand,
        AddItemListCommand: TodoList.command.AddItemListCommand,
        DeleteItemListCommand: TodoList.command.DeleteItemListCommand,
        UpdateItemListCommand: TodoList.command.UpdateItemListCommand,
        InsertBeforeCommand: TodoList.command.InsertBeforeCommand,
        InsertAfterCommand: TodoList.command.InsertAfterCommand,
        InsertAtCommand: TodoList.command.InsertAtCommand,

How to define a custom module for reusing logic between domains?

import { Remesh, RemeshDomainContext, Capitalize } from 'Remesh'

 * Capitalize is a helper type to constraint the name should start with upper case.
export type TextModuleOptions = {
  name: Capitalize
  default?: string

 * TextModule is a module for text.
 * Receiving a domain as fixed argument, you can use it in any domain by passing domain as argument.
 * The second argument is your custom options.
export const TextModule = (domain: RemeshDomainContext, options: TextModuleOptions) => {
  const TextState = domain.state({
    name: `${}.TextState`,
    default: options.default ?? '',

  const TextQuery = domain.query({
    name: `${}.TextQuery`,
    impl: ({ get }) => get(TextState()),

  const SetTextCommand = domain.command({
    name: `${}.SetTextCommand`,
    impl: ({}, current: string) => {
      return TextState().new(current)

  const ClearTextCommand = domain.command({
    name: `${}.ClearTextCommand`,
    impl: ({}) => {
      return TextState().new('')

  const ResetCommand = domain.command({
    name: `${}.ResetCommand`,
    impl: ({}) => {
      return TextState().new(options.default ?? '')

  return Remesh.module({
    query: {
    command: {

Using your custom remesh module in any domains like below:

import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'

import { TextModule } from 'my-custom-module'

const MyDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'MyDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
     * Passing domain as fixed argument.
    const Text = TextModule(domain, {
      name: 'Text',
      default: 'Hello, world!',

    return {
      command: {
        SetTextCommand: Text.command.SetTextCommand,
        ClearTextCommand: Text.command.ClearTextCommand,
        ResetCommand: Text.command.ResetCommand,
      event: {
        TextChangedEvent: Text.event.TextChangedEvent,

How to access other domains?

import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'

const ADomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'ADomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    return {
      query: {
      command: {
      event: {

const BDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'BDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    return {
      query: {
      command: {
      event: {

const MainDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'MainDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
     * Accessing other domains via domain.getDomain(..)
    const aDomain = domain.getDomain(ADomain())
    const bDomain = domain.getDomain(BDomain())

    return {
      query: {
        AQuery: aDomain.query.AQuery,
        BQuery: bDomain.query.BQuery,
      command: {
        ACommand: aDomain.command.ACommand,
        BCommand: bDomain.command.BCommand,
      event: {
        AEvent: aDomain.event.AEvent,
        BEvent: bDomain.event.BEvent,

How to forget other domains?

The domain.getDomain function can be used to access other domains, but it will store those domains in memory.

If we no longer need a domain, we can use domain.forgetDomain to release it.

import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'

const MainDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'MainDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
     * Accessing other domains via domain.getDomain(..)
    let aDomain = domain.getDomain(ADomain())

     * Forget other domains via domain.forgetDomain(..)
    aDomain = null

    return {}

How to subscribe to events or queries in domain-effect?

import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'

import { merge } from 'rxjs'
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const YourQuery = domain.query({
      name: 'YourQuery',
      impl: ({ get }) => get(YourState()),

    const YourCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'YourCommand',
      impl: ({}, current: string) => {
        return YourState().new(current)

    const YourEvent = domain.event({
      name: 'YourEvent',
      impl: ({ get }) => get(YourState()),

      name: 'YourEffect',
      impl: ({ get, fromEvent, fromQuery }) => {
         * Subscribe to events via fromEvent(..)
         * The observable it returned will emit next value when the event is emitted.
        const event$ = fromEvent(YourEvent())
         * Subscribe to queries via fromQuery(..)
         * The observable it returned will emit next value when the query is re-computed.
        const query$ = fromQuery(YourQuery())

        return merge(event$, query$).pipe(map(() => [ACommand(), BCommand()]))

    return {
      query: {
      command: {
      event: {

How to create and use remesh store directly?

import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'

import YourDomain from 'your-domain'

 * Create a remesh store.
const store =

 * get domain from store.
const yourDomain = store.getDomain(YourDomain())

 * ignite domain for activating domain-effect if needed

 * subscribe the domain event
store.subscribeEvent(yourDomain.event.YourEvent, (event) => {

  * subscribe the domain query
store.subscribeQuery(yourDomain.query.YourQuery(), (queryResult) => {

 * send command to your domain
store.send(yourDomain.command.YourCommand('Hello, world!'))

 * Discard target domain resources

 * discard all resource

How to send multiple commands at once?

import { Remesh } from 'Remesh'

import YourDomain from 'your-domain'

const store =

const yourDomain = store.getDomain(YourDomain())

// bundle commands or events into one array
store.send([yourDomain.command.YourACommand('Hello, ACommand!'), yourDomain.command.YourBCommand('Hello, BCommand!')])

How to do something before or after a command?

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const ACommand = domain.command({
      name: 'ACommand',
      impl: ({ get }, arg: number) => {
        // something

    ACommand.before(({ get }, arg) => {
      // do something *before* ACommand called
      return BeforeACommand(arg)

    ACommand.after(({ get }, arg) => {
      // do something *after* ACommand called
      return AfterACommand()

How to do something when a query value was changed?

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const AQuery = domain.query({
      name: 'AQuery',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        // something

    AQuery.changed(({ get }, { current, previous }) => {
      // do something when the value of AQuery was changed
      return SomeCommand()

How to do somehing when an event was emitted?

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const AEvent = domain.event({
      name: 'AEvent',

    AEvent.emitted(({ get }, eventArg) => {
      // do something when event was emitted

How to time-travel or redo/undo?

// use history-module in remesh
import { HistoryModule } from 'remesh/modules/history'

const YourDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'YourDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const TodoAppHistoryModule = HistoryModule(domain, {
      name: 'TodoAppHistoryModule',
      // subscribe state via query
      query: ({ get }) => {
        return get(TodoAppStateQuery())
      // sync state via command
      command: ({}, state) => {
        return UpdateTodoAppStateCommand(state)

    return {
      query: {
        // history list: T[]
        HistoryListQuery: TodoAppHistoryModule.query.HistoryListQuery,
        // can back: boolean
        CanBackQuery: TodoAppHistoryModule.query.CanBackQuery,
        // can forward: boolean
        CanForwardQuery: TodoAppHistoryModule.query.CanForwardQuery,
        // current index: number | null
        CurrentIndexQuery: TodoAppHistoryModule.query.CurrentIndexQuery,
        // current state: T | null
        CurrentStateQuery: TodoAppHistoryModule.query.CurrentStateQuery,
      command: {
        // go(n), n can be negative, just like history.go(n)
        GoCommand: TodoAppHistoryModule.command.GoCommand,
        // add state to history list
        AddCommand: TodoAppHistoryModule.command.AddCommand,
        // set history list
        SetCommand: TodoAppHistoryModule.command.SetCommand,
        // replace state
        ReplaceCommand: TodoAppHistoryModule.command.ReplaceCommand,
        // back() if possible
        BackCommand: TodoAppHistoryModule.command.BackCommand,
        // forward() if possible
        ForwardCommand: TodoAppHistoryModule.command.ForwardCommand,
      event: {
        // trigger when back
        BackEvent: TodoAppHistoryModule.event.BackEvent,
        // trigger when forward
        ForwardEvent: TodoAppHistoryModule.event.ForwardEvent,
        // trigger when go
        GoEvent: TodoAppHistoryModule.event.GoEvent,

How to avoid type error from interface?

You many hit type error from interface when using remesh.

import { ToType } from 'Remesh'

import { MyInterface } from 'my-interface'

// create a type-alias from interface deeply.
type MyType = ToType<MyInterface>

How to use yjs in remesh for collaboration?

use remesh-yjs, define your onSend and onReceive, that’s all.

npm install --save remesh-yjs
yarn add remesh-yjs

click to see example

import { RemeshYjs } from 'remesh-yjs'

type SyncedState = {
  todos: Todo[]
  filter: TodoFilter
  input: string

const TodoAppDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'TodoAppDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const todoListDomain = domain.getDomain(TodoListDomain())
    const todoFilterDomain = domain.getDomain(TodoFilterDomain())
    const todoInputDomain = domain.getDomain(TodoInputDomain())

    const TodoFilterSyncEvent = domain.event<TodoFilter>({
      name: 'TodoFilterSyncEvent',

    RemeshYjs(domain, {
      // a unique key for your state to sync with others
      key: 'todo-app',
      // a data-type(object/array) for your state
      dataType: 'object',
      // provide your state in `onSend `
      onSend: ({ get }): SyncedState => {
        const todos = get(todoListDomain.query.TodoListQuery())
        const filter = get(todoFilterDomain.query.TodoFilterQuery())
        const input = get(todoInputDomain.query.TodoInputQuery())
        return {
      // consume state from others `onSend` in your `onReceive`
      onReceive: ({ get }, state: SyncedState) => {
        const filter = get(todoFilterDomain.query.TodoFilterQuery())

        return [
          filter !== state.filter ? TodoFilterSyncEvent(state.filter) : null,

    return {
      event: {

How do I manage the scope of the remesh domain in my React application?

remesh automatically reclaims domain resources that are no longer subscribed by default, which is sometimes not expected, and we can extend the active time of domain resources in a specific range with the RemeshScope component.

import { RemeshScope } from 'remesh-react'

const App = (props) => {
   * Pass in domains to RemeshScope
   * Even if the A component is destroyed and the domain resource loses its subscribers, it will not be reclaimed
   * The next time the A component is rendered, the original state is available
  return <RemeshScope domains={[TestScopeDomain()]}>{ && <A />}</RemeshScope>

How to inject dependencies to remesh domain?

remesh provides an API for injecting dependencies from outside into the remesh domain - Remesh.extern.

The concrete usage is as follows

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

export type Storage = {
  get: <T>(key: string) => Promise<T | null>
  set: <T>(key: string, value: T) => Promise<void>
  clear: (key: string) => Promise<void>

export const Storage = Remesh.extern<Storage | null>({
  name: 'StorageExtern',
  default: null,

In the remesh domain, use ``extern`’’ like this.

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const TestDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'TestDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const storage = domain.getExtern(Storage)

    if (!storage) {
      throw new Error(`Expected injected storage-impl, but got null`)

    // do something

Inject extern-impl in the following way.

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'
import localforage from 'localforage'
import { Storage } from './domain-externs/storage'

export const StorageImpl = Storage.impl({
  get: (key) => {
    return localforage.getItem(key)
  set: async (key, value) => {
    await localforage.setItem(key, value)
  clear: (key) => {
    return localforage.removeItem(key)

const store ={
  externs: [StorageImpl], // inject StorageImpl

Different extern-impls can be injected in different environments.

How do I get the remesh domain to support server-side rendering?

remesh provides an API to support server-side rendering - domain.preload, the usage of which is shown below.

import { Remesh } from 'remesh'

const delay = (ms: number) => new Promise<void>((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))

export type State = {
  count: number

export const PreloadDomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'PreloadDomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    const CountState = domain.state<State>({
      name: 'CountState',
      default: {
        count: 0,

    const CountQuery = domain.query({
      name: 'CountQuery',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        return get(CountState())

    const SetCountCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'SetCountCommand',
      impl: ({}, newCount: number) => {
        return CountState().new({ count: newCount })

    const IncreCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'IncreCommand',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        const state = get(CountState())
        return CountState().new({ count: state.count + 1 })

    const DecreCommand = domain.command({
      name: 'DecreCommand',
      impl: ({ get }) => {
        const state = get(CountState())
        return CountState().new({ count: state.count - 1 })

    // define how to fetch data via domain.preload
      key: 'preload_count',
      query: async () => {
        await delay(500)
        return {
          count: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
      command: ({}, data) => {
        return CountState().new({ count: data.count })

    return {
      query: {
      command: {
        SetCountCommand: SetCountCommand,
        IncreCommand: IncreCommand,
        DecreCommand: DecreCommand,

In frameworks that support SSR, do something like the following (using next.js as an example).

export type Props = {
  preloadedState: PreloadedState

export async function getServerSideProps(_context: NextPageContext) {
  // create remesh-store.
  const store =

  // preload remesh domain
  await store.preload(PreloadDomain())

  // get preloaded state
  const preloadedState = store.getPreloadedState()

  return {
    props: {
      preloadedState: preloadedState,
    }, // will be passed to the page component as props

export default (props: Props) => {
  return (
      <Counter />

// or pass to remesh-store' directly
const store ={

How to get the return type of a domain?

import { Remesh, DomainTypeOf } from 'Remesh'

const ADomain = Remesh.domain({
  name: 'ADomain',
  impl: (domain) => {
    return {
      query: {
      command: {
      event: {

// infer the return type of a domain
type ADomainType = DomainTypeOf<typeof ADomain>

ADomainType['query'] // { AQuery }
ADomainType['command'] // { ACommand }